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  • Writer's pictureLouise McLatchie


Pre-nuptial agreements are a great way of showing your commitment to each other and allows you to protect your future.

Prenuptial agreements are the best way to ensure conflict over money and property is reduced in the event of a marriage ending. They are made between a couple before they get married allowing a premade settlement to be agreed in case the marriage breaks down and offer honesty from the beginning of a marriage making it a good start.

Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd offers free support and guidance to getting a pre-nuptial agreement effectively.

Why should you get a prenuptial agreement?

• You have a large amount of wealth to protect

• You run a business and need to protect its future

• Ring fencing assets for children from a previous relationship

• If you’re marrying someone from abroad and want to be protected from financial awards in another legal jurisdiction

At Dylan Nair Solicitors we can help you decide if you wish to get a prenuptial agreement but are unsure whether this is right for you.

Are they legally binding?

In the UK, they are not legally binding. However, they are considered in court if a disagreement on money and/or property occurs between both parties. It’s important that prenuptial agreements are signed well before marriage as it makes it clearer to the court that no last-minute pressure was applied, and it was entered based on free will.

Can you get a prenup after marriage?

Post nuptial agreements can be made if both parties are willing to. This allows clarity about money and property and distributing assets well into a marriage, so you don’t have to worry about your future in terms of finance in the event of a divorce or separation.

How we can help:

At Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd we offer free advice on how to get a pre-nuptial agreement and provide support through the process.

It is free for you to find out what your next steps should be. Call us on Preston 01772 494366 for more information

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