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  • Writer's pictureLouise McLatchie

Buying a home: What you need to know

Buying a new home is a big decision, at Dylan Nair Solicitors we have an experienced legal team that will guide you through the entire conveyancing process and answer all of your questions along the way.

You may be wondering why you would need a solicitor to when buying your home. The answer to this is that a solicitor will handle all the legal matters involved in buying a house such as the transfer of legal ownership from the seller to the buyer. Essentially, the solicitor takes care of any important or somewhat risky matters that could arise in the purchase of your new home. At Dylan Nair Solicitors we ensure that our work is carried out with the necessary due diligence, to ensure that you are fully protected.

We also ensure that you are not making an investment into the wrong property, and if necessary we order relevant searches to be carried out on your intended property. Many of these searches are location specific and depend on the type of environment that the property is surrounded with.

The basic searches include:

  • Environmental – this search shows local factors that may affect the house, such as whether it is at risk of flooding, or whether it is located close by to a landfill site, etc.

  • Water and Drainage – this search will confirm where the property’s water comes from and where the drainage system leads to

  • Local authority – this includes information held by the local authority, such information on planning permission, any restrictions or information on any rights of way

  • Land registry – this search identifies the legal owner of the property etc

These searches can protect you from any nasty surprises further down the line and provide necessary information on the property that you are investing in.

Searches are just one element of the conveyancing process that solicitors manage, and as such the process can be lengthy. Generally, it can take around 6-8 weeks for a purchase to complete providing there are no unforeseen delays. However, factors can complicate the matter and slow it down. At Dylan Nair Solicitors we take pride in our efforts to keep the process running as efficiently as possible.

If your plan is to sell your current home and buy a new house then be assured that you can do both with us at Dylan Nair Solicitors. We do not need to be local to your area to represent you either, as the whole process can be achieved online, by phone, email or by post.

Give us a call on 01772 494366 to start your conveyancing journey today.

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